QFC presence at AFS

The QFC had a large presence at this year’s AFS meeting with 7 members attending. We were active participants giving three talks and teaching a workshop. First Jim, Lisa, Travis and Yang taught the Introduction to Programming in R for Fisheries Scientists workshop which had 15 participants. One participant enjoyed the workshop enough to sign up for our full online course.

Jim spoke about experiences in implementing temporally varying parameters in real assessments and Travis spoke about simultaneous analysis of genetic and length data to estimate changes in year-class strength of Lake Michigan Lake Sturgeon in the Practical Applications of Sturgeon Research symposium. Yang gave a talk in the Next Generation of Fish Stock Assessments symposium about the influence of stock assessment frequency on achievement of fishery management objectives.

It was also nice to see several QFC alumni at the meeting including Mike Wilberg, Aaron Berger, Matt Catalano, Carson Prichard and Gretchen Hansen.

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